
AABB Standards and Accreditation for Cellular Therapy Services

The AABB biotherapies community is instrumental in transforming patient care by setting standards and accreditations for facilities that procure, process, store and/or distribute cellular therapy products. AABB's Standards for Cellular Therapy Services outlines the standards used as a basis for accreditation in cellular therapies activities, including:

  • Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell Services
  • Cord Blood Services
  • Cell Services
  • Cellular Therapy Clinical Services

AABB offers accreditation of biotherapy facilities around the world, conducting assessments every two years of institutional member facilities that procure, process, store and/or distribute cellular therapy products to ensure they meet AABB's standards.

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Did You Know?

AABB has been accrediting biotherapy services and facilities for more than 25 years and now counts 150+ AABB-accredited biotherapy services in more than 30 countries.

AABB Biotherapies Education and Professional Development Opportunities

AABB transforms patient care through education and professional development initiatives for members of the biotherapies community.

I'm an inaugural #AABBCABP!

The AABB Certified Advanced Biotherapies Professional (CABP) credentialing program is the first and only certification for biotherapies professionals.

Learn more about CABP eligibility and how to apply.

Biotherapies News, Information, Regulatory and Other Resources

AABB provides current information, resources and interpretive guidance for biotherapies professionals, patients and regulators.

AABB Biotherapies Library

Available to AABB members, the AABB Biotherapies Library comprises exclusive products and resources that have been curated or created by experts, all with a specific focus on the benefit they offer to biotherapies professionals. These include:

  • Expert-developed training programs
  • Quality management systems resources, such as AABB standards and accreditation tools
  • Key publications and eCasts
  • Regulatory updates and content

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AABB’s portfolio of news publications delivers need-to-know information, analysis of current and emerging issues in the field, and cutting-edge research to help members expand their knowledge and continue their professional growth. These publications include:

  • AABB News magazine
  • AABB Newsfeed

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Keep abreast of what's happening in the field of biotherapies with AABB's monthly update on the latest biotherapies news. Read and subscribe to CellSource. Each month, AABB CellSource features:

  • BIOTHERAPIES NEWS: highlights and top stories from the biotherapies field
  • BIOTHERAPIES AT AABB: community and association news
  • AABB BIOTHERAPIES NEWSFEED: a curated monthly round-up of articles from the AABB Newsfeed
  • CELL NOTES: a monthly column by Christina M. Celluzzi, PhD, MS, CABP(H), Director, Biotherapies at AABB
  • AABB MEMBERS ZONE: biotherapies resources and events for AABB members

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More Biotherapies Resources from AABB:

Cellular Therapies and Biotherapies Advocacy

AABB champions policies that advance the field of biotherapies to ensure that patients have access to safe, effective and innovative treatments. AABB's advocacy priorities related to biotherapies focuses on several key areas:

Improving coverage and reimbursement policies, encourage research and innovation, advocating for a clear, efficient and science-based regulatory framework, advancing the development and delivery of biotherapies and access to cellular starting materials

"AABB's public policy and advocacy activities support an environment where biotherapies can reach their full potential. Our work is driven by a commitment to quality and safety, patient access, and innovation."
- Leah Mendelsohn Stone, JD, Vice President, Public Policy and Advocacy at AABB

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Supporting Innovation with AABB

AABB supports a wide range of innovative projects fueled by expert membership, partnerships and industry leadership engagement and recognition, including:

Cellular Therapy Subsections Projects

As a benefit, AABB members can enroll in subsections that meet monthly to enrich their professional experience and to keep informed about happenings in the field of cellular therapy.

Learn more about CT Subsections Projects.

AABB Foundation

The AABB Foundation supports innovation through its early-career scientific research and process development grants. Since 1983, the Foundation's Scientific Research Grants Program has funded more than 200 investigators – many of whom are now leaders in the field.

Donate to support innovative research or explore funding opportunities with the AABB Foundation.

AABB's Products and Corporate Services Helping Advance Biotherapies

AABB helps support biotherapies organizations in achieving their workforce and business goals. AABB offers several products and services specifically designed to support biotherapies organizations in achieving their workforce and business goals. These include:

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The AABB team is looking forward to connecting with you at an upcoming meeting or virtually.

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Register your interest in biotherapies sponsorship and connection packages at the 2025 Annual Meeting, taking place October 25-28, in San Diego, CA.

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