AABB Future Leader Scholarship Awards Program

AABB is accepting applications by email for the 2024 AABB Future Leader Scholarship Awards Program, for the Specialist in Blood Banking (SBB) or equivalent in BB or biotherapy/cellular therapy, and Transfusion Medicine and Biotherapies Fellow (TMBF) Awards Program. All submissions are due by Friday, September 6, 2024.

The Future Leader Scholarship Awards will be presented at the 2024 AABB Annual Meeting at the Transfusion Medicine Subsection Coordinating Committee Business Meeting in Houston, Texas.

Note: These awards are open to all individuals of all countries in the world and winning is not contingent on being a member of AABB.

AABB-Future Leader Transfusion Medicine and Biotherapies Fellow Scholarship Awards Program

The TMBF Awards Program was created in 1982 to recognize professionals with an MD, DO, PhD, or equivalent degree who are current fellows or a recent graduate (within 12 months of the time of application for this award) in a transfusion medicine program, cellular therapy program or other graduate medical education training program that includes at least one continuous year in transfusion medicine or biotherapies/cellular therapy training. Recipients will receive a $1,500 honorarium. The AABB Future Leader TMBF Scholarship Awards are presented annually as distinguished candidates are identified.

AABB-Future Leader Specialist in Blood Bank (or equivalent) Scholarship Awards Program

The SBB (or equivalent) Awards Program was created in 1982 to recognize individuals who are enrolled, accepted for enrollment in, or who have recently completed training (within 12 months of the time of application for this award) leading to SBB certification or equivalent from an AABB-accredited institution. Recipients will receive a $1,500 honorarium. Since then, the AABB Future Leader SBB (or equivalent) Scholarship Awards has been expanded to include those who have recently completed training in biotherapy/cellular therapy. Awards are presented annually as distinguished candidates are identified.

Note that all winners are required to provide a short presentation at the TMSCC Business Meeting at the AABB Annual Meeting in Houston, Texas.

Past AABB Future Leader TMBF and SBB Scholarship Awards Recipients

If you are interested in applying to the 2024 AABB Future Leader TMBF or SBB (or equivalent) Scholarship Awards Program, please review the rules and policy statements:

If you have any questions regarding the program or the application process, you may contact:

Standards Department
4550 Montgomery Avenue
Suite 700, North Tower
Bethesda, MD 20814-3304