Renew My Membership

AABB is driven by a vital, diverse group of members like you. Thank you for being an AABB Member. Renew your membership now to maintain access to your member benefits

Renew Online

If a renewal is available on your account, you will be taken through the renewal process (if you are not logged in, you will be prompted to do so).

To check on your membership account or to view upcoming renewal dates, visit My Account anytime.

Renew by Phone

Call +1.301.215.6489 | +1.866.222.2498 to renew your membership over the phone using a credit card.

Renew By Mail

Send in your original invoice and payment in the return envelope provided. Please email Member Services at or call +1.301.215.6489 | +1.866.222.2498 to request an invoice, or with any additional questions.

Automatic Renewal

Automatic membership renewal is available online. In addition, some member categories can save by purchasing a 3-year membership.

Connie M. Westhoff, SBB, PhD

“To say that AABB has been an integral part of my professional career would be an understatement. AABB membership enables career growth, connection with peers and colleagues, and life-long friendships and professional connections.”

— Connie M. Westhoff, SBB, PhD, New York Blood Center

Contact the Membership Team
