Product Code: 243688
This combination gives you a quick and convenient resource plus an in-depth reference volume—two formats to help you stay up to date on pediatric transfusion. Attractively priced, the pair will benefit practitioners in both laboratory and clinical settings.
The Pediatric Hemotherapy Data Card is a handy reference that folds down to a 4” × 6” size and can easily fit in your lab or suit coat pocket. Laminated for durability, the card features information used for small volume transfusions, formulas and calculations to determine volume of blood, general infectious risks of transfusion and special considerations in pediatric patients.
Pediatric Transfusion: A Handbook, 6th edition is a concise yet comprehensive reference book for all practitioners who transfuse neonatal and pediatric populations. This book is invaluable for physicians treating patients in the hospital or those answering questions while on call in the blood bank. Written in response to questions from a variety of professionals in the field, this unique book presents, in one easy-to-use handbook, information that typically would require multiple volumes of text. Charts and tables outline information concerning volumes of blood components and doses of medication for neonatal and pediatric patients. Contributors with a wealth of practical experience share their knowledge in a resource that fits conveniently in your lab coat pocket.
This edition includes the latest updates addressing patients with special transfusion needs, including neonates, patients undergoing extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, cardiovascular surgery patients, trauma patients, sickle cell disease patients, and other pediatric patients who require chronic transfusion support.
PRINT EDITION: AABB, 2024, 369 pages, ISBN 978-1-56395-508-2, and AABB, 2024, set of 10 laminated cards, ISBN 978-1-56395-508-2
Product code: 243688
Member price: $80
Nonmember price: $106
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