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BUNDLE: Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services, 32nd edition – Print and Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services, 32nd edition – Portal

Product Code: 203830

This combination provides two ways to access the 32nd edition of Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services: print and electronic. This edition of Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services (BBTS Standards), effective July 1, 2020, details the latest standards of practice in blood banking and transfusion medicine. The quality system requirements are supported by technical requirements.

Product Features:

The Standards Portal allows users to customize their profile based on the activities for which they are accredited and can be rearranged at any time. Standards that do not apply to a user’s profile will appear grayed out to ensure that purchasers are aware of the standards that apply to their facility and those that do not.

The Standards Portal is also fully searchable by key word, chapter, or standard number, allowing users to navigate quickly to the most relevant standards to them at that time. Guidance is provided on how to implement a standard, why it was created, or why a change was made from this edition to the last. Any relevant documentation that would assist users in implementing the standard in question is provided.

New Benefits to Users:

All links to outside websites and cross references to other standards in the portal are live and appear in popup windows to allow users to be able to see both the standard in question and the linked post. The full edition of the BBTS Standards (not including any guidance) is printable at any time to ensure that users can take the BBTS Standards on the go.

Any interim or emergent standards will appear seamlessly in the portal once effective and highlighted.

By purchasing the Standards for Blood Banks and Transfusion Services, 32nd edition (“Standards”) through the AABB Standards Portal (“Portal”), users acknowledge and agree that they will access the Standards solely for their own personal and/or professional use and not distribute, copy, or provide access to the Standards for use by any third parties. Furthermore, users will securely maintain their login and password for the Portal. In the event that AABB or its authorized agents discover that users have not complied with these Terms and Conditions of Use, they understand that they will lose all rights to access the Standards and will not be entitled to any refund.

Significant changes:

  • New standard 1.4 will require that facilities have policies, processes and procedures to address the operational continuity in the event that operations are put at risk. Along with this standard, new standard 1.4.1 requires that facilities have a policy to address product inventory shortages.
  • Standard 5.2.1, #5 has been edited to include requiring mitigation strategies regarding the risk of post donation related iron deficiency.
  • Standard 5.2.2 has been expanded to require that when parental permission is required to donate, that the parent or legally authorized representative is made aware of the potential adverse effects of donation.
  • Standards 5.8.5, 5.8.6, 5.8.7 and reference standards 5.1.6A and 5.4.1A have been expanded to include the requirement to conduct Zika Virus RNA testing and nucleic acid testing for Babesia. However, NAT for Babesia is NOT required to be performed if all transfusable components from the donation are prepared using FDA approved pathogen reduction technology or collection does not occur in one of the states listed in the May 2019 FDA Guidance.
  • Standard 5.19.7 includes new subnumber 2, requiring that the BB/TS have a policy regarding indications the use of cold stored platelets, specifically in trauma settings.

(AABB, 2020, softcover, 128 pages & AABB, 2020, digital product)

Effective date: July 1, 2020

Item Details

View Table of Contents (pdf)

View Preface (pdf)

View Sample Pages (pdf)

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