AABB Store

Massive Transfusion Protocols—A Sampling

Product Code: 188318DB

“A massive transfusion protocol (MTP) is a system for rapidly providing blood components for exsanguinating patients. MTPs aim to standardize the approach to massively bleeding patients by formalizing an institutional response procedure, systematizing communication pathways, ensuring facilities are in place for frequent laboratory monitoring, and reducing delays in ordering and transporting blood components to the patient’s bedside. As such, MTPs are usually developed, implemented, and monitored by a multidisciplinary team including physicians, nurses, and laboratory staff.”

These four examples demonstrate how diverse MTPs can be. There is no single correct algorithm or protocol.

Quotation from: Blood component resuscitation in trauma and massive bleeding. In: Bandarenko N, King K, eds. Blood transfusion therapy: A Physician’s handbook, 12th edition. Bethesda, MD: AABB, 2017:197-219.

List Price: Free

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