Product Code: 22EL-732-4035
Please note: This is a Single Viewer registration for one participant for the on-demand version of this program. Access instructions for the on-demand version of this program will be provided via email approximately 3-10 business days after the live program has occurred and the on-demand version is available. If registering after the on-demand version is available, immediate access is granted via the AABB Education Website at
If you registered for the live program you do not need to register for this on-demand eCast (access to the on-demand eCast was included with the live program registration).If you are interested in presenting this program to a group, please see the “eCast Registration Form– Group Viewing” form on the program page.
Program Description: Over the past decades, the number and our understanding of altered RH alleles has increased significantly. While serologic methods were initially used to describe altered Rh phenotypes, molecular methods have provided an explanation for the altered expression of Rh antigens. In addition, they have uncovered over 1,000 RH alleles in various human populations. Understanding the genetic mechanisms that lead to altered RH alleles and the currently available detection methods can improve selection of blood for transfusion.
In this program, the faculty will review the transfusion challenges presented by patients with altered RH alleles and discuss case studies that exemplify the strengths and limitations of current testing strategies.