Product Code: 22EL-742-4035
Please note: This is a Single Viewer registration for one participant for the on-demand version of this program. Access instructions for the on-demand version of this program will be provided via email approximately 3-10 business days after the live program has occurred and the on-demand version is available. If registering after the on-demand version is available, immediate access is granted via the AABB Education Website at
If you registered for the live program you do not need to register for this on-demand eCast (access to the on-demand eCast was included with the live program registration).If you are interested in presenting this program to a group, please see the “eCast Registration Form– Group Viewing” form on the program page.
Program Description: Improvements in the practice of medicine depends on the amount and quality of evidence, which in turn rely on the rigor of the research study design. Additionally, it is usually up to the clinicians to decide if a change in clinical practice is necessary after reading research reports, which may require both statistical and clinical knowledge. In this program, key considerations in study designs and statistical analysis as well as common pitfalls in result interpretation will be discussed. In Transfusion Medicine, traditional randomized controlled trials have been commonly used. However, in many cases, Bayesian approach to clinical trial design may offer better solution. Therefore, a summary of Bayesian approach to clinical design and interpretation will also be provided.