The Bernard Fantus Lifetime Achievement Medal recognizes an individual who made numerous, outstanding contributions to the scientific basis and/or clinical practice of blood banking and transfusion medicine during the preceding 50 years.
This award is presented at intervals of no less than five, and no more than ten, years.
Recipient is selected by the Awards Review and Selection Team, appointed by the AABB President. Final candidate approved by the AABB Board of Directors.
Recognized at: General Session at the AABB Annual Meeting.
Please send all inquiries about this award to
Marion Elizabeth Reid, FIMBS, PhD, DSc(Hon.)
In recognition of her critical scientific achievements, influence, and unwavering commitment to the field of transfusion medicine during her extraordinary career. Among her many accomplishments, her seminal research and publications elucidated many blood group antigens and systems. Her fulfillment of the need for a textbook to further education, The Blood Group Antigen FactsBook, is a legacy for current and future generations. Her work also led to a greater understanding of the molecular basis of blood groups, which spurred novel developments in the field and influenced subsequent generations of transfusion medicine scientists.