Meet Our Volunteers

Volunteer Spotlight and Member Highlights

Exciting news! AABB’s Professional Engagement Program will be showcasing all of the great work our members do for AABB and the world at large.

Our PEP Volunteer Spotlight will consist of a short Q&A with one of our members published each month in AABB News. Our members play an integral role here at AABB and we want to share their accomplishments.

Member Highlights can be any volunteer accomplishment directly involved with AABB and will change as new highlights are added. These highlights may range from publications, committee work, webinars and everything in between!

We are currently soliciting names of individuals to showcase for the coming year in either our Volunteer Spotlight or a Member Highlight capacities. If you or a fellow AABB member are interested, please email us at

Sandra NanceProfessional Engagement Program Volunteer Spotlight on Sandra June Taddei Nance, MS, MASCP, MLS(ASCP)SBB

Currently Adjunct Assistant Professor, University of Pennsylvania
Previous Senior Director, National Laboratories, American Red Cross

How long have you been an AABB member?

I joined AABB in 1978, so 46 years and have attended every AABB meeting starting in 1978.

In which AABB volunteer activities are you currently active? In which have you participated?

Currently Co-chair of the AABB Awards Committee and serve on the Editorial Board for Transfusion Journal. Previously, starting in 1986, have been a member of 17 Committees with 6 terms as chair of 5 of them. Have participated in scientific reviews for 4 areas, including AABB abstracts and Technical Manual and edited 9 AABB books. I also served on the Board of Directors and Nominating Committee.

What motivates you to volunteer?

My volunteer motivation is based on a desire to do good things, improve practice and the lives of patients. I continue to volunteer for AABB and ISBT and my volunteer activities now include being a certified Therapy Dog Team member with over 100 visits to senior centers, libraries and schools with my collie, Bailey.

How has your volunteer work impacted your professional work?

Being a volunteer in career specific societies including AABB gives opportunities for personal growth as a leader, speaker, educator and previously, through assessment activities, exposure to facility practices. Additionally, I have been honored to receive AABB awards.

What have you learned from volunteering with AABB? And what advice would you give to someone interested in volunteering?

I think there is always more to learn and imagine. Volunteering with AABB provides an avenue for lifelong interested scientists, technologists, and physicians. For me, having an active role with AABB committees, Board of Directors, Grant Reviews, abstract grading, manuscript reviews, and planning national meetings enabled career and personal growth. And then there is the lifelong friendships made with like-minded AABB members. My advice is to do all that you can in your chosen career path, take on the extra tasks at work. And actively participate when invited to, in career professional societies like AABB. It is also important to focus on having a good family, work, and volunteer life balance.

What is your favorite movie?

While I enjoy watching movies, books and music are more my things in my spare time.

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