AABB Publishes Summary of CY 2025 Hospital OPPS Final Rule

December 06, 2024

AABB recently released a summary of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS)’s final rule updating Medicare payment rates and policies under the hospital outpatient prospective payment system (OPPS) and the ambulatory surgical center payment system for calendar year (CY) 2025.

Each section of the summary document describes key provisions within the final rule related to the transfusion medicine and biotherapies community. These include payment policies and rates for transfusion medicine and cellular therapies, the finalization of CPT codes for chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, and the exclusion of cell and gene therapies from the comprehensive ambulatory payment classifications (C-APCs) policy when they are not integral to the primary service.

Finally, the summary document features tables of payment rates for blood and blood products, as well as transfusion, apheresis and stem cell procedures.

Members with questions or feedback may contact advocacy@aabb.org.