AABB Releases Sixth Edition of Pediatric Transfusion: A Handbook

March 04, 2025

AABB recently released the sixth edition of Pediatric Transfusion: A Handbook, a trusted reference for practitioners who transfuse neonatal and pediatric patients, in print and digital editions. Edited by Edward C.C. Wong, MD; and Nicholas Bandarenko, MD, this comprehensive resource provides critical guidance for physicians treating hospitalized patients and those responding to transfusion-related inquiries in the blood bank.

This updated edition includes the latest information on transfusion management for neonates, patients on extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, cardiovascular surgery patients, trauma patients, and individuals with sickle cell disease or other chronic transfusion needs. Charts and tables offer quick-reference details on blood component volumes and medication dosages, making this an essential tool for health care professionals.

AABB is also offering a bundled package that includes the pediatric hemotherapy data card, a pocket-sized laminated reference featuring transfusion formulas, volume calculations, infectious risks of transfusion and special considerations for pediatric patients. Together, the handbook and data card provide both an in-depth and quick-reference resource to support transfusion practices.