Donor Hemovigilance

AABB's donor hemovigilance efforts focus primarily on education, collaboration with other international organizations, and projects undertaken by the AABB Donor Hemovigilance Working Group.

Please check the resource section to access publications.

Severity Grading Tool for Donor Adverse Events

Severity Grading Tool for Donor Adverse Events The Severity Grading Tool for Donor Adverse Events was developed and validated by a sub-group of the AABB Donor Hemovigilance Working Group. Results of the formal validation study have been published (Transfusion, 2020).

The Severity Grading Tool for Donor Adverse Events was developed to enhance objective assignment of DAE severity. The tool is designed to be used with the Standard for Surveillance of Complications Related to Blood Donation by ISBT/AABB/IHN. The tool aims to avoid terms such as “mild,” “moderate” and “severe.” It is patterned after an established clinical severity scale, Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE1) v 5.0, which rates severity by Grades 1-5 with 1 through 5 being roughly associated with mild, moderate, severe, life-threatening and death; reactions of Grade 3 or higher are classed as "serious" in donor adverse event reporting systems.


AABB Donor Hemovigilance Reports

2012-2017 Donor Hemovigilance Highlights Thumbnail

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