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AABB Accreditation Process
Accreditation Phases and Expectations
There are two phases involved with achieving AABB accreditation for the first time or adding a new activity: the self-assessment phase, followed by the on-site assessment phase.
The majority of facilities complete both the initial self-assessment phase and the on-site assessment phase in 1 – 2 years and achieve AABB accreditation. Much of this will depend on the readiness of the facility when the process begins, the
knowledge of the facility’s staff, and the amount of time and resources available to work on the AABB accreditation process.
Once a facility becomes AABB-accredited, it must go through the accreditation process (on-site assessment phase) every two years.
The expectations of an AABB assessment are that all standards are addressed in policies, processes and procedures (PPPs), and that PPPs are followed as written.
Please note that a facility must be in operation for a minimum of 6 months (in the desired accreditation activity) before the initial accreditation process can begin.
Steps to Become AABB-Accredited
Determine activities for which accreditation is desired.
Perform the self-assessment in APEX, AABB’s on-line accreditation portal.
Proceed to on-site assessment after AABB reviews and approves the self-assessment.
Achieves AABB accreditation upon successful completion of the on-site assessment including resolution of any nonconformances.
Please note that advertising any relationship to AABB is not permitted until the facility/new activity becomes accredited and receives their AABB certificate. Once eligible, facilities must adhere to the AABB-Accredited Brand and Logo Usage Guidelines.