Presenter Resource Center

Welcome to the 2024 AABB Annual Meeting Presenter Resource Center, designed to support presenters with essential information, guidelines, and tools for a successful presentation.

If you have any questions about your presentation that are not answered below, please contact

Presentation Time Information

If you are unsure of your allotted presentation time, please check the live schedule or email

Educational Session Format

Educational Session Presentation Time (60 minutes):

  • Introduction from Program Chair - 5 minutes
  • Speaker #1 - 20 minutes
  • Speaker #2 - 20 minutes
  • Question and Answer Portion - 15 minutes

Educational Session Presentation Time (90 minutes):

  • Introduction from Program Chair - 5 minutes
  • Speaker #1 - 20 minutes
  • Speaker #2 - 20 minutes
  • Speaker #3 - 20 minutes
  • Question and Answer Portion - 25 minutes

Oral Abstract Session Formats

Individual oral presentation time is dependent on the number of abstracts in each session. Please check the live schedule or email to confirm the amount of time per oral abstract.

3 Abstracts- Oral Abstract Session Presentation Time (60 minutes):

  • Introduction from Program Chair - 5 minutes
  • Speaker #1 - 12 minutes
  • Speaker #2 - 12 minutes
  • Speaker #3 - 12 minutes
  • Question and Answer Portion - 15 minutes

4 Abstracts - Oral Abstract Session Presentation Time (60 minutes):

  • Introduction from Program Chair - 5 minutes
  • Speaker #1 - 10 minutes
  • Speaker #2 - 10 minutes
  • Speaker #3 - 10 minutes
  • Speaker #4 - 10 minutes
  • Question and Answer Portion - 15 minutes

5 Abstracts- Oral Abstract Session Presentation Time (60 minutes):

  • Introduction from Program Chair - 5 minutes
  • Speaker #1 - 8 minutes
  • Speaker #2 - 8 minutes
  • Speaker #3 - 8 minutes
  • Speaker #4 - 8 minutes
  • Speaker #5 - 8 minutes
  • Question and Answer Portion - 15 minutes

Spotlight Session Formats

Extended Blood Storage Spotlight Session (90 minutes):

  • TBD

Assessing Blood Donor Risks Spotlight Session (90 Minutes):

  • TBD

Biotherapies Abstract Spotlight (90 Minutes):

  • TBD

Must-Know Items

  • Maximum file size for the PowerPoint cannot exceed 100 MB.
  • The following slides need to be included at the beginning of your presentation:
    • Title slide
    • Disclosure slide (even if you have nothing to disclose)
    • Objective(s) slide

Preparing Your Presentation

Presentation Preparation Details

Your slide presentation should be designed with the following in mind:

  • Design your presentation based on what the learners need to know.
  • What do I need to provide for learners to achieve the stated objective?
  • Support the learners with thoughtful design and engagement strategies.
  • What tools and experiences do I need to provide for my learners so that they can act when they return home?
  • A concise presentation allows the learner to focus on the key elements and mentally organize them in a way that makes sense.


  • Make sure your speakers understand the overall goals and objectives of the session and how each presentation helps reach that goal.
  • You will need to create introduction slides with the following information:
    • Title slide
    • Disclosure slide (even if you have nothing to disclose)
    • Objective(s) slide
  • We ask that you read a short script at the beginning of your session; the script can be found on the podium of your session with details specific to your session. 

PowerPoint Presentation Design Pointers

Consistent use of background, text box positioning, logos, fonts and colors is best practice for presentations.

When building your slides, use the following general rules:

  • Place the title in the upper sixth of the slide.
  • Use sans serif fonts; they are easy to read and project well.
    • Examples of sans serif fonts include Arial, Calibri, Tahoma, Verdana, Century Gothic
  • Use a 36- to 48-point font for slide titles/headings; each should only be one line.
  • Use a 24- to 36-point font for slide text.
  • Limit bulleted text to two lines per bullet.
  • Use the six and six rule: no more than six words per line, no more than six lines per slide.
    • Excessive text means people will be reading the slides and not listening to you. Avoid using complete sentences.
  • Reveal bullet points one at a time.
  • Limit color use to four or five colors per slide.
  • Avoid red/green and red/blue color combinations for text and backgrounds; color-blind individuals can't read these combinations.
  • Choose the right color(s). We recommend using contrasting colors: light type on a dark background or vice versa, like white on cobalt blue, or dark green on a pale yellow
  • Use images that are large enough to see well and appropriate to the topic.
    • If a visual will help you make a point better than words, use the image.
  • Present data in an uncluttered way.
    • Keep details on slides to a minimum.
    • Ensure labels are clear and easy to read.
    • Avoid complex graphs; pull out the important points.
  • Cite your sources.

Copyrighted Work

You must obtain permission in advance every time you want to use a copyrighted work, including:

  • Artwork, photographs or forms
  • Charts, tables or graphs
  • Part of a poem or song lyric
  • Cartoons or comics
  • Videos and YouTube clips
  • Movie/TV clips
  • Audio-taped interviews
  • Music
  • Speeches
  • Written material
  • Logos/trademarks (Note: we ask that logos and trademarks of commercial products and companies not be used in your presentations unless they meet the guidelines outlined in the Presentation Review Checklist for ACCME Compliance).

You do not need to obtain permission for material that is in the public domain. This includes material produced by the federal government, material for which the copyright has expired, and material placed into the public domain by its creator. If you do not find language clearly specifying that the content is in the public domain, it likely is copyrighted.

Credit and Acknowledgement

Be scrupulous in giving credit for material used from someone else's work.

  • Use an appropriate acknowledgement, such as “Used with permission from _____.”
  • Sometimes content owners will specify how to acknowledge them; if they do, your permission must indicate exactly how the owner wishes to be acknowledged.

Copyright Resources

For information on U.S. copyright law and fair use visit and

Author Disclosure / Conflict-of-Interest

In support of improving donor and patient care, these activities have been planned and implemented by Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) and CME Outfitters, LLC. CME Outfitters LLC. is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

  • All speakers must sign a disclosure statement regarding the existence of any financial interest and/or other relationship(s) they might have with an ACCME defined commercial interest.
  • Talks must be free of commercial bias for or against any product. If commercial products are discussed, the session must present objective information about those products, based on generally accepted scientific evidence. Speakers must not engage in the marketing of product(s) in any way during the presentation. Program Chairs have been instructed to intervene if this occurs.

The content or format of a CME activity or its related materials must promote improvements or quality in healthcare and not a specific proprietary business interest of a commercial entity. Presentations must give a balanced view of therapeutic options. Use of generic names will contribute to this impartiality. If the educational material or content includes trade names, trade names from several companies should be used when available, not just trade names from a single company.

Oral and Plenary Abstract Moderators and Speakers

Oral Moderator Instructions

As a moderator for the oral abstract session, you and your co-moderator will be responsible for the following during the session:

  • Create introduction slides and open the session (5 minutes)
    • Title Slide:
      • Moderators' name/credentials
    • Presenters' names/abstract titles/credentials (found on the full AABB Annual Meeting Schedule)
    • Objectives - add the objectives that were created for this session.
  • Lead the question-and-answer portion and close out the session (15 minutes)

As co-moderators, deciding who will be doing what prior to the Annual Meeting is best. These responsibilities can be split up or done together, but we will let you choose how you want to run the session. Please coordinate with your co-moderator as soon as possible. If you are unsure who you are working with, please email

Oral Speaker Instructions

As an oral and plenary abstract speaker, it is important to remember to use a PowerPoint format to present the abstract to the audience. Each oral and plenary speaker will have between 8-12 minutes to discuss the background, study design/methods, results/findings, and conclusion of the abstract. (Time is dependent on the number of abstracts in the session.) Please follow the presentation design pointers above when creating the PowerPoint.

Optional Audience Response System (ARS) Feature

ARS is an excellent way to increase engagement as well as get a better understanding of your audience. Please review the following documents for more detailed instructions:

Tips for ARS:

  • PowerPoint version 2010 and above is required for this plug-in to work. Please also note that this plug-in only works on PCs. It is not supported on Macs.
  • Create a preview slide (“Poll Question and Options”) in PowerPoint before you move on to the poll slide. It will give the audience time to open the app and extra time to think about their answer(s).
  • If you have a Mac computer and would like to include ARS, we suggest that you add the questions to the ARS question development platform prior to the Annual Meeting. Support for adding polling questions into your PowerPoint will be available in the Speaker Ready Room onsite at the meeting in Orlando. Please allow for at least an extra one to two hours in the speaker-ready room if you need to add polling questions into your presentation.

Please note access has been provided for ARS. Please email if you did not receive the access email.

On-site Instructions

As you plan your travel, please consider that all speakers are required to check in to the on-site Speaker Ready Room with their final slide presentation at least four hours prior to your session. Estimated time for slide review is 20-30 minutes. Room locations can be found on the AABB Schedule. The Speaker Ready Room will be in room 330 at the George R. Brown Convention Center.

  • Speaker Ready Room Hours
    • Friday, October 18th: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    • Saturday, October 19th: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
    • Sunday, October 20th: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
    • Monday, October 21th: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm
    • Tuesday, October 22nd: 7:00 am - 10:30 am