Deadlines Near for Feedback on PBM and Out-of-Hospital Transfusion Standards

July 24, 2024

The deadline is rapidly approaching for AABB members to share their feedback and help shape updates to two important sets of AABB standards.

PBM Standards

AABB’s Patient Blood Management Standards Committee is seeking feedback to guide updates to the draft fifth edition of Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program through Thursday, July 25. The draft fifth edition is based upon the final fourth edition of Standards for a Patient Blood Management Program. Those who do not have access to the fourth edition should email to request two-week trial access.

The committee requests that commenters identify the current standard by its number at the beginning of their comments, especially if commenting on more than one standard. The committee also encourages commenters to provide alternative wording if they think it would improve the clarity of a standard. Finally, those who agree or disagree strongly with a current standard should state a reason or submit data to support their viewpoint.

Out-of-Hospital Standards

The proposed first edition of Standards for Out-of-Hospital and Prehospital Administration Transfusion Services is available for public comment through July 30. The proposed first edition of incorporates new prehospital concepts while updating standards that previously appeared in the first edition of Standards for Out-of-Hospital Transfusion Administration Services, released in 2018. A summary memo that accompanies the proposed first edition provides a comprehensive description of the additions and edits in the draft.