For Immediate Release
January 30, 2025
Media Contact
Jay Lewis
The blood community in the United States is working together to maintain the stability of the nation’s blood supply and to ensure that all patients’ blood needs are being met following a cybersecurity incident at New York Blood Center Enterprises.
On Sunday, Jan. 26, New York Blood Center Enterprises experienced a cybersecurity incident, which impacted certain of its information technology systems. The organization’s blood collection facilities remain open and collections continue, though processing times are currently slowed.
As New York Blood Center Enterprises continues to work diligently to address this incident, the blood community is ensuring that blood needs are being met for all patients throughout the country. The Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB) activated its Interorganizational Task Force on Domestic Disasters and Acts of Terrorism to coordinate national resources and assist with securing and transporting blood products where needed. Blood collection facilities throughout the country are providing essential support and have been transporting blood products to affected areas to ensure that blood will be available for patients when it is needed.
The blood community remains committed to collaborating to ensure all patients’ blood needs are met during this time. The blood community is now asking eligible individuals to schedule an appointment to donate to help maintain a readily available blood supply across the country.
“Maintaining a safe and readily available blood supply is a priority for the blood community. To ensure the adequacy of the nation’s blood supply, we are asking eligible individuals throughout the country to make and keep appointments to donate blood at their local blood collection facilities,” said John Hagins, chair of the Task Force. “When emergencies occur, it is the blood already on the shelves that saves lives.”
The blood community encourages eligible Americans to make an appointment to donate blood or platelets at their nearest blood collection location. Please contact one of the following organizations to schedule an appointment today:
About the Task Force
The AABB Interorganizational Task Force on Domestic Disasters and Acts of Terrorism was formed in January 2002 to help make certain that blood collection efforts resulting from domestic disasters and acts of terrorism are managed properly and to deliver clear and consistent messages to the public regarding the status of America’s blood supply. The Task Force is composed of representatives from U.S. blood services, associations and commercial entities, as well as liaisons from governmental agencies, who work together in an effort to ensure that safe and adequate blood product inventories are in place at all times in preparation for disasters. In addition, the Task Force operates as a mechanism to assess the need for collections and/or transportation of blood should a disaster occur.
AABB serves as the designated coordinating entity for the Task Force. In addition to AABB, members include AdvaMed, America's Blood Centers, American Hospital Association, American Red Cross, Blood Centers of America, College of American Pathologists, National Marrow Donor Program/Be The Match and the Plasma Protein Therapeutics Association. Liaisons from the following government agencies also participate in Task Force discussions: Armed Services Blood Program and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which includes the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Food and Drug Administration.